Invite An Alumni Ambassador To Speak At Your School
This is an opportunity to invite veteran leaders into your classrooms to enrich your students’ lives. Hear from trained Alumni Ambassadors on a myriad of topics that will lead to an inspired student body.
Alumni Ambassadors serve as a bridge between possibilities and reality, offering guidance, strength, and encouragement when young people need it most.
Donate now to help those in need! Make a difference by taking action with your donation.
Learn from Those Who’ve Been There
At Alumni Ambassadors, we connect aspiring leaders like you with military veterans and service professionals who have walked the path before you. These mentors:
Character Traits
Personal Responsibility
Selfless Service
Civic Responsibility
Why we do certain traditions
What the Flag represents and its proper use
The importance of volunteering, service learning, and getting involved in you community
First-Hand Experience
Shaping history: I was “there”
Veterans have helped shape history in large ways and small. Alumni Ambassadors can provide a personal perspective to events students study in: history, social studies, etc
STEM Application: Alumni Ambassadors’ military careers were spent in science, technology, and engineering. They have experience in cyber, communications, physics, biology, medicine, engineering and more. Here is a chance for your students to learn from these leaders on how they used their knowledge in the military and continue in post-military careers.